When I walk, I feel free My mind escapes my body with every tread I take. When I walk, I see beauty all around, in heaven and earth in plant and beast. When I walk, I discover things anew, again and again, when I walk
You, the individual, can do more for your health and well-veing than any doctor, any hospital, any drug, and any exotic medical device. Joseph Califano
Do you have two lifes? Do you have anything you really want to do? Does it cause other people pain? Does it againt your country rule? Will you regret it if you don't do it when you can? Does your life worth living if you cant do what you want just because your desire is odd to the others? Stuffun
Yeah...it's cool...
I think u love poem that's y u post s.o else's poem, rig;ht??
y don u start writing one, then?
U know, I also love poem, and love writing it, too.
But...it doesn't sound well....
Sometimes, i really try to figure out some beautiful words to made up a poem but...-sign-...I'm poor with word...
Hey... Pooh Maniac!
u really lelf bruise on my arm.
Is this the mark of ur eating club?
Oh, God! Poor me! I made myself to be a pray of a monster! :(
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