Who am I when u look at me from behind?: Why does a woman have vaginal discharge?

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Why does a woman have vaginal discharge?

There are many reasons that a woman might have vaginal discharge. One of those reasons is female anatomy. Naturally, the distance between vagina and rectum is short. So the vagina can easily get the bacteria from the rectal area when you use the toilet.

However, it’s not true that whenever you have the vaginal discharge means your vagina have the infection or any problems. Vaginal discharge can be also normal for female body. To keep the vagina clean and healthy, the glands inside the vagina and the cervix make a small amount of fluid that flow out of the vagina each day, carrying out old cells that have lined your vagina. But the discharge is clear and doesn’t smell bad.

Moreover, the color and the thickness of the discharge change with your monthly cycle. The discharge is thicker when you ovulate (when one of your ovaries releases an egg), when you breastfeed or when you're sexually excited.

Though, you can also notice when your body has problem. Some changes may be the signal of the problems, for examples, an increase in the amount of discharge, a change in the color or smell of the discharge, and irritation, itchiness or burning in or around your vagina. This is called vaginitis (vaginal inflammatory). A discharge that's stained with blood when you're not having your period could also be a sign of a problem. If you have any of these signs, you should talk to the doctor.

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