Who am I when u look at me from behind?: New Skill From Shizuru

Monday, February 18, 2008

New Skill From Shizuru

Last time I told you that I like Shizuru Fujino, a character from Mai-Hime, because she always smiles and stay calm. And No one can predict what she was thinking or going to do. Do you know what they called that smiling that always appears on her face? They called it ICE MASK. Now I just know what it means. ICE MASK prefers to a mask that you can put it over your face when you want to without someone notices you are wearing it. But it could hide your feeling or your true self well from everyone who you don’t want them to understand about you. After I knew about this ICE MASK, I think that it is good for me to be able to create my own mask because I don’t like the idea that you would know what I was thinking just to look at my face or into my eyes. Now I think I am capable to do that but I am just the beginner because on the day I realized that ADYL forgot my birthday, at the second I stepped in my English class my classmate suddenly know that I was very upset. Anyway, I will train to become an expert of ICE MASK master like Shizuru.

1 comment:

Van-ishing said...

From what You have written, it seems an interesting story...should I read it?