Monday, August 18, 2008
Tips Of Preventing Vaginitis!!!
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Why does a woman have vaginal discharge?
However, it’s not true that whenever you have the vaginal discharge means your vagina have the infection or any problems. Vaginal discharge can be also normal for female body. To keep the vagina clean and healthy, the glands inside the vagina and the cervix make a small amount of fluid that flow out of the vagina each day, carrying out old cells that have lined your vagina. But the discharge is clear and doesn’t smell bad.
Moreover, the color and the thickness of the discharge change with your monthly cycle. The discharge is thicker when you ovulate (when one of your ovaries releases an egg), when you breastfeed or when you're sexually excited.
Though, you can also notice when your body has problem. Some changes may be the signal of the problems, for examples, an increase in the amount of discharge, a change in the color or smell of the discharge, and irritation, itchiness or burning in or around your vagina. This is called vaginitis (vaginal inflammatory). A discharge that's stained with blood when you're not having your period could also be a sign of a problem. If you have any of these signs, you should talk to the doctor.
Thursday, August 7, 2008
Happy 08.08.08 Day!!!!
Moreover i want to sent a greeting message to my idol, Adyl. I plan to sent it to her at 08.08am on 08.08.08. Unfortunately, i over slept. and super moreover, today i was locked in the library of my French school. I was very scare that madam is very mean but luckily, i find another madam who is kind enough to unlock the door for me....
Ohh.... my special day.......
Thursday, June 19, 2008
Good word for u.......
NO matter how tough, no matter how sad, u must try and try and try even if u lose ur life, protect it with these TWO arms. If u do that, even if u die the proof of a man(woman)'s life will remain. (Naruto manga)
Colin's mail
One day your dreams will also come true. The beautiful thing about dreams is that they find their own way of coming true. Two things: Don't abandom them; and never rush them. :)
Unfortunately we can't always do the things we want to when we want. So often unpleasant tasks need to be done. Like after this email I must wash the dishes and bring in the laundry. :(
Do you like these words?
Last Friends, a japanese drama
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
I almost CRY.....

Oh Producer, please... i beg of u....
Friday, June 13, 2008
Is this poem beautiful?
Another one of Sadras' , Colin's friend!!!

Your sentiment is your love, your love is your heart, your heart is your partner, your partner is your future, your future is your destiny, your destiny is ambition, your ambition is your aspiration, your aspiration is your motivation, your motivation is your belief, your belief is your peace, your peace is your target, your target is tranquility, Life is like hell without FRIENDS. It's "World Best Friends Week" , forward this to all your good friends, if you want..........................................

What is THIS?
A little boy goes to his father and asks 'Daddy, how was I born?'The father answers, 'Well, son, I guess one day you will need to find out anyway! Your Mom and I first got together in a chat room on Yahoo. Then I set up a date via e-mail with your Mom and we met at a cyber-cafe. We sneaked into a secluded room, where your mother agreed to a download from my hard drive. As soon as I was ready to upload, we discovered that neither one of us had used a firewall, and since it was too late to hit the delete button, nine months later a little Pop-Up appeared that said:'
This joke i got it from my friend's friend comment. So this is not mine :P
Monday, February 18, 2008
New Skill From Shizuru
Mes excuses à vous….
The METS Project
But to think about the possibility of this novel, it is almost unnecessary because to change a big sphere egg to a small sperm that have a head and a tail is not easy as we think it is. Moreover, natural fecundation need thousands sperms and a women could not have such that number of eggs to change into sperms. In the novel the result of that experiment only 30 or 40 of 56 eggs can successfully become sperms so this fecundation can be successful? To be honest, I really don’t know much about making woman become pregnant artificially so I am not sure if we have only a little sperms we can fertilize or not. One more thing that I think is impossible is in the end of the story Michiru bore a son that is the final result of the experiment. As I know female sexual chromosome is XX and male is XY. Each egg only contains one X of two and artificial sperms have been change only their shape but their chromosomes are originally kept. Then, if an artificial sperm fertilize with an egg the new life is absolutely female. Is it possible that her baby is male?
One the other hand, when I was studying my first year at the University of Health Science, I learnt about reproduction and fecundation. It doesn’t mean that I didn’t learn about this subject back then in high school but I just understand clearly every detail of this topic. Then, I think that if the chromosome of an egg can cross the three membranes of the other egg in order to mix its chromosomes with another one like a spermatozoid deliver its chromosomes cross egg’s membranes. It means two women can have their offspring since they already had their own uterus to stock the fetus. But we need a lot of chemical to make the chromosomes of those eggs synthesize before they mix into each other. Another problem is in my theory we need two mature eggs of two women but a women can have a mature egg only once a month and it is not easy to make two women have a mature egg at the same time. One more thing mature eggs have a short life time. They are last long only 24 to 48 hours. Moreover a woman has only 400 to 500 mature eggs in their life time. So it is difficult to have enough eggs to make experiment. But as a human we should be optimistic. If it is possible when I became a qualified doctor I will try to research about this problem because I want to make this one wish of a lot of lesbians comes true. This wish is being able to live and bear their own child like normal couple in the world.
Relaxation Skills
This is the promise I made last time when I post TEN WAY TO STAY HEALTHY. And I know that most of the visitor of my blog have a busy life style so I want to share this experience to you all after I read it from a health handbook. HERE IT IS!
When learning relaxation skills, you must remove yourself from all outside distractions. It may take some practice to become comfortable with these techniques. Once you’ve trained your body and mind to relax (two to three weeks), you’ll be able to produce the some relaxed state whenever you want.
The following three methods of relaxation and meditation are among the simplest and most effective. They should be done twice a day for about 20 minutes. Pick a time and place where you won’t be disturbed or distracted.
Roll Breathing
The object of roll breathing is to develop full use of your lungs and get in touch with the rhythm of your breathing. It can be practiced in any position, but it is best to learn it lying on your back, with your knees bent.
1. Place your left hand on your abdomen and your right hand on your chest. Notice how your hands move as you breathe in and out.
2. Practice foiling your lower lungs by breathing so that your left hand goes up when you inhale and your right hand remains still. Always inhale through your nose and exhale through your mouth.
3. When you have filled and emptied your lower lungs 8 to 10 times, add the second step to your breathing: inhale first into your lower lungs as before, and then continue inhaling into your upper chest. As you do so, your right hand will rise and your left hand will fall a little as your abdomen falls.
4. As you exhale slowly through your mouth, make a quiet, whooshing sound as first your left hand and then your right hand falls. As you exhale, feel the tension leaving your body as you become more and more relaxed.
5. Practice breathing in and out in this manner for three to five minutes. Notice that the movement of your abdomen and chest is like rolling waves rising and falling in a rhythmic motion.
Practice roll breathing daily for several weeks until you can do it almost anywhere, providing you with an instant relaxation tool any time you need one.
CAUTION: Some people get dizzy the first few times they try roll breathing. If you begin to hyperventilate (Lose too much carbon dioxide) or become lightheaded (slightly dizzy or euphoric), slow your breathing. Get up slowly.
Sorry I think I should not post all methods at once because it is a little bit too long so I will post others next time instead.
Even though, I still want to say a word that I don’t have enough courage to show nor speak to them face to face “THANK YOU, MY FRIENDS”.
NOTE: If you can meet me face to face please don’t leave comment or remind me about this text when you talk with me because I will feel awkward. Thanks.
The Firth Birthday Cake of My Life
However, this year, my friends did surprise me by buying a cute chocolate cake for me to celebrate my birthday. I felt great because the first one of my life had ingredient of love and warm feeling from my close and best friends instead a cold one from my dad. One more, they made me believe that they always remember and will never forget mine even I will live far away from them. But at the some minutes, I feel lack of something which I don’t know what that has power to cause me feel this way. Furthermore, I feel a little disappointed because my friends forgot something important I told them. If I can change something that happened already, I want them to give that thing as my birthday present instead of the cake because I can bring it everywhere I can go. It can remind me every happy memory of my friends every time I use it. Especially, that thing is cheaper than cake so they can save some money since I know that neither of us can earn money by ourselves.
Saturday, January 12, 2008
My new hair styleToday
Ten Ways to Stay Healthy
2. Keep moving. Please try to do exercise. Even moderate exercise makes a huge difference both in how you feel and what ill nesses you get. No one can prescribe the perfect fitness plan for you. Try to figure it out base on what you enjoy doing and what you will continue to do. A good fitness plan has three parts: aerobic fitness, muscle strengthening, and flexibility.
3. Eat right. Eating a well-balanced, low-fat diet of wholesome foods will keep you energetic and free of many illnesses.
4. Control stress. Try to relax. So you can prevent stress even you live with a hectic and hurried lifestyle. [I will post RELAXATION SKILL next time]
5. Be smoke-free.
6. Avoid drug and excess alcohol.
7. Put safety first. Safety at home, at work, and at play, will all help keep you healthy.
8. Pursue healthy pleasures. Take naps, relax during meals, play with kids, care for a pet. They all can add to your health.
9. Think well of yourself. A good self-image is the foundation of good health.
10. Promote peace. Peace on earth beings at home. Seek nonviolent way of resolving conflicts at home, at school, at work, and in your community.
Amazing Novel
This novel is very popular। I have started to read a novel which I copy it from internet. It was amazing. I like it a lot. I want to upload some pictures of this story for you to know but it is only written in text not have any picture. You know I really want to see all characters’ face. Though, I want to review it a little for you.
It talks about our world in 2075 when the cops were busy with crimes caused by violent android। In that time, most of the things were used with high tech program such as driver programs in cars; owner’s voice is the key of the house because they just reply something like “Hi!” to the her house door to let it scan her voice into its program, voice from alarm clock wake her up when she ignore its ringing tone, house maid humanoid, sexaroid (android was used as a sex toy), etc. So it is tough for a bad person to do something again the rule.
Instead, robots help the police to be busy। Why I said the robot caused the crime? Because every android was set program for the work people need them to do. And modern android was more like human from year to year. But some of them had problem with their program then became violent; sometimes they murdered their owner. Then, polices must investigated the cases. Some of those miserable machines were sent to set new program then were sold to new owners. And some of those on sale androids can broke the program themselves and became free-will android that can have emotion like human. They can care, love, worry, etc. Free-will androids were allowed to live their own life under the ground, was called Lowtown, but if they cause any crimes, they will be exterminated.
Then we start with a lonely policewoman, Kate, hated androids so much। She does every house works herself instead of used the android to do those works that people used at the same time. Her work is to investigate crimes cause by androids and sent them to set new program if possible. She also has a team with a new partner, a kind commander, a skillful computer programmer, and an android examiner. This team was called Chasers.
Kate hated robots because when she was 13 years old; her parents were murder by an android। And her old partner, also the only one person she loved, was killed by an android in the mission in 2074. After she shut herself down for nearly a year because of the death of her beloved, she locked herself with her works. Sometimes, Kate had stayed in her office for 2 or 3 days and intend not to go home if her commander tell her to go back home. To know that Kate can not handle such a mountain of field works alone; her commander, Gwen, transfer a volunteer officer named Jennifer Grayson to Chasers. Then Jen became Kate’s new partner. They both like each other but Kate didn’t admit this relationship because she told herself that she can’t bear it again if Jen end up like Lynn, her former partner. When Jen participate in Chasers, there are a lot of things happen. Kate went to talk with psychiatrist every week to undress her nightmares that lock in her soft her since her parents’ death.
One day when she went to Lowtown to attend homicide with her partner। There, she met a humanoid, Silver, that risk its own life to help its friend. Kate started to understand that not every robot are miserable. Some of them are honest, friendly, and innocent. Then, Kate make friend with this bionic person. At the same time, some free-will machine secretly formed an organization to again human because most of them have very bad experience with their owner. They incredibly hate human. Later, in Lowtown is boomed and cut down most of the electric energy. This is the signal of the war between human and android.
Thease are what i read.This story is on going.
Sorry if you can not understand my description well. This is my first time to résumé novel. But I hope you will like it and interest in this novel. Please click on the title above if you want to read original story.
Thanks my audiences :)